Welcome to the ESM Strata Portal

Our new online portal is now live for all committee members and lot owners. 
You'll now have 24-hour access to building and lot information, reports, documents and more.

Round the clock access to your lot details
Access to all the information you need, When you need it

Enjoy immediate access to your lot information, notices and payments as well as upcoming or past meetings.
Strata Portal saves you time and offers increased convenience by providing access to the information you need at any time of the day, even from your mobile device if you're out on the road.
Begin accessing Strata Portal today; https://portal.propertyiq.com.au


Portal FAQ's and Tips

Setting up the Portal

How to register

When ESM Strata registers you for portal access, you will receive an email that looks something like this:

Click on the "Go to link" contained in the email to take you to the login page. 

Please remember that there can only be one email address linked to the portal account. If you have not received your activation email and have two email addresses registered with ESM Strata the activation email may have been sent to the alternate address.  

Follow the First Login steps in the previous button to get started.


First Log-in

After you have received an email from Property IQ, the first time you log on you need to change your password and read and accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

You will be taken to the PropertyIQ Portal website: https://portal.propertyiq.com.au 

  1. Enter your new password
  2. Re-enter your password to confirm
  3. Click here to read the User Agreement and Privacy Policy
  4. Accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy
  5. Submit

If you need any help getting your account up and running, you can contact our Customer Service and Support team on officeadmin@esmstrata.com.au for assistance.


Forgot Password

Step 1. Go to the PropertyIQ Portal website:  https://portal.propertyiq.com.au
Click “Forgot Password”? Link.
Step 2.
  1. Enter your email address
  2. Submit to trigger an email containing a verification code
  3. Cancel to exit
  4. Once you receive your verification code, click here


Step 3.
  1. Enter your email address
  2. Enter the verification code you received
  3. Enter a new password
  4. Re-enter the password to confirm
  5. Submit when you are ready
  6. Cancel to go back to the log in screen



Reset Password

In the top left-hand corner of the portal once logged in, click on the owner's name, then select profile. This will bring you to your profile page. Next to your name, there is a 'settings' gear. Click on settings and you can reset your password.

There are minimum password requirements for portal passwords: 

  • A password must contain: 

            ▪ At least 8 characters 

            ▪ An uppercase letter 

            ▪ A lowercase letter 

            ▪ A number 

            ▪ A special character from this set: ! @ # $ % ^ & * o

  •  For example: Abcdef1! 

User Settings

In the top left-hand corner, click on the owner's name, then "Profile". This brings you to your profile page. You can then click on the 'Settings' gear next to your name to get to the settings. 

In the settings page, you can do the following:

  1. Choose whether you want to be emailed or whether you want to see a notification in the portal when your strata manager has sent new information to the portal.
  2. Choose whether you want to be emailed or see a notification in the portal when you have a levy notice due 
  3. Choose whether you want to be emailed or see a notification in the portal when you have an upcoming meeting 
  4. Choose your preferred email frequency here. Note: 
    1. If you choose Daily for Levy Notice Due notifications the notification is sent 1 day prior to the levy due date. 
    2. If you choose Daily for Upcoming Meeting the notification is sent 1 day prior to the meeting date. 
    3. If you choose Weekly – known activity for the upcoming week is issued every Monday 
    4. If you choose Monthly – known activity for the upcoming month is issued on the first day of the month
  5. Change your password here 6. Select Reset Password to start the password reset process


Navigating the Portal

Navigating the home screen

  • The main page has; property, insurance and lot information in the middle column. 
  • On the far right are the Council members' details, Strata Company Management details and caretaker details, if applicable.
  • In the top left corner, you can view your other properties. Underneath, you can access other pages - financial, levies, documents and meeting information.


View Property Details


  • If you own more than one property, you can view it from the “other properties” section on the top left.
  • Underneath the “other properties” section, you can select to view financials, levies, documents and meetings.



  • You can view your property information, such as Strata Plan number, address, type, number of Lots etc.
  • You can view a copy of the insurance policy and details
  • You can view details of each Lot you own in the property



  • Council of the Strata Company members 
  • Strata Company Management details
  • Main Strata Company contact details
  • On-site manager (if applicable)
  • Caretaker (if applicable)




When clicked on the financials tab on the left side, along the top you will see the admin and reserve fund balance, the total bank balance, investment funds balance and the total building arrears.

Underneath the top row, you can click on “request detailed financial report” to produce an up to date copy of your financial reports. You can request a copy of the balance sheet, header sheet, key financial info, I&E statement, Expenses and Other income and debtor positions. These reports will be emailed to you directly.

Underneath the report, you will see graphs of the financial position of the Strata Company. You can download the graphs by clicking on the three lines on the top right of the graph. 

Note: You can choose different financial years.



The top part of the screen will show your current arrears for Lot owners and when the next levy is due. Next to that, there is a button to click to pay your levies. This will take you to the DEFT website (more information can be found on the previous screen about DEFT).

Underneath, it shows detailed information on your account. Here you can choose to download a copy of your statement by selecting the date range and clicking “download statement”.


DEFT Payments

The Pay with DEFT option takes you to the DEFT website. Here you can register for DEFT or pay without a login.

Once you are redirected to DEFT you can:

  1. Login if you are already registered with DEFT
  2. If you are not registered with DEFT, you can register a new account.
  3. Once logged in you can:
    1. schedule recurring payments or
    2. make a single payment.

If you need any help with DEFT registration and recurring direct debit, you can request help from DEFT by calling 1800 672 162 during business hours – details are shown on the DEFT website.


Document Request/Viewing

This tab shows you all the documents that you can view, including; building, Lot, meeting, insurance and general documents.

Note: You can search for documents using the search bar at the top.



In the meetings tab, you can view all upcoming and previous meetings for all of your properties.
You can view the agenda through the portal on the right-hand side.
Note: You can click on the calendar icon on the far right side to download the meeting to your own calendar.