Signage (For Sale, For Lease, Advertising Signage)

For Sale / For Lease Signage 

At one time or another, owners will want to lease or sell their unit, and installation of signage for this purpose is therefore a fairly common query.

Before allowing any signage to be installed, it is important to check the by-laws of the Strata Company. If there is no specific by-law in place, you will be required to ask permission from the strata company. You will need to provide information such as: size, location and duration of placement. If permission is granted, than you are free to proceed as per the agreed terms.

Commercial signage

If you want to place notification on the inside of a window for advertising purposes within your lot, you may still require permission.

This is because the external appearance of the building may be altered by your signage. Please refer to the by-laws prior to ordering or installing any signage. If signage is permitted without approval, then you are free to proceed. Otherwise, you will need to seek permission from the strata company.

If you are in doubt, please ask your Council of Owners or call your Strata Manager, who will be able to assist you with the process.

The Signage application form can be found by clicking here.

More Information

Standard Bylaws:
Schedule 2 (7)(b) Drying of laundry items and signage

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the consent in writing of the strata company —

(b) display any sign, advertisement, placard, banner, pamphlet or like matter on any part of their lot in such a way as to be visible from outside the building.

Schedule 2 (14)  Appearance of lot

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the written consent of the strata company, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.

Example Case

The owner of a strata lot wanted his agent to place a For Sale sign at the front of the building in the common property garden area.

He put his application in writing and included a picture of how the sign may look, its size and proposed placement and requested it be installed for up to 8 weeks.

The Council of the Strata Company discussed the request and allowed him to place the sign, but on condition that if it went under offer within the 8 week period the sign would immediately be removed. The owner agreed, and the sign was installed.