What is a Quorum? - Section 130

Meetings proceed to business once a quorum has been reached, but what is a quorum?


Meetings of the Strata Company can only proceed to business once a quorum has been reached (or after 30 minutes has passed), but what is a quorum?

Strata Titles Act 1985 excerpt.
Section 130 - Quorum at general meetings 

  1. No business may be transacted at a general meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to 
  2. At a general meeting of a strata company for a 2-lot scheme, a quorum is constituted if both lots are represented. 
  3. At a general meeting of a strata company for a strata titles scheme other than a 2-lot scheme, a quorum is constituted if there are at least 50% of owners represented by financial members. 
  4. If a quorum is not present after 30 minutes has elapsed from the time appointed for a general meeting of a strata company for a strata titles scheme other than a 2-lot scheme, the persons entitled to vote who are present at the meeting are taken to constitute a quorum for the purposes of that meeting. 
  5. A person who is a proxy of a person entitled to cast the vote attached to a lot is to be counted for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is present. 


More Information 

What does the term "entitled to cast a vote" or “financial member” mean? 
It means, the lot that the person is representing (whether they are an owner, or proxy holder) has no outstanding amounts recoverable under the Strata Titles Act at the time the vote is being cast.  Generally this includes levies that have been raised at a General Meeting, and any interest owing on those amounts.