How do we inform owners about an adjourned AGM?

No quorum? the AGM is adjourned for one week


When an AGM does not reach a quorum (at least 50% of eligible owners represented in person or by proxy), then the AGM cannot proceed. The meeting is then adjourned by 1 week. (same time & same venue). ESM will not sent out a new notice and agenda for the reconvened meeting, as this is not a requirement. In practice, when people don't turn up to the meeting at the specified date and time, they are less likely to turn up one week later.

More Information

As per the STA 1985, ESM will re-book the meeting room and the Strata Manager will schedule in their calendar to chair the adjourned meeting.

The new STAA 2018, is amended in this regard. A quorum will be reached after 30 minutes of the meeting start time. Any owners present or represented by proxy will form the quorum and the meeting will proceed to business without an adjournment (except in a 2 lot scheme). The following information is from Landgate with a link below to the full publication.  

Click this link to view the full Landgate document, Improved Management 

Example Case

Natasha lived in a complex of 16 units in Victoria Park. She had recently received her notice and agenda for the forthcoming AGM. Her complex had a notoriously poor meeting attendance record, due to many of the investors living interstate, but she decided to go along anyway.

Just Natasha and one other owner were in attendance with another present by proxy. A quorum could not be achieved so the Chairperson (Strata Manager) ran through each of the motions noting their vote preferences. This was carried out on the agreement of all of the owners present.

The following week, the Strata Manager was ready to chair the meeting but no one else showed up. The decisions taken by Natasha and the two other owners now became binding. The minutes were prepared and sent to all owners.